Saturday 10 October 2009


(My entry for the creative writing (prose) competition at the inter-hostel cult fest “Manthan” at IIT-G)

They hypothesize it emerged in a primordial ‘soup’, a mix of alien and terrestrial spices that fortuitously lent itself to the origin of self realization. Though how things have changed. What is life now but these myriad experiences we share that lend themselves to multiple interpretations, for each one unique, combining into this unfathomably complex roller coaster ride.

All these events added to our lives, individual ingredients governed by a pre –determined recipe written by fate? The magical formula of our lives being brewed with a spell uttered over by the soul of the universe – a ‘God’? Or just simply random events thrown together in the chaos which are but chance and probability, yet seemingly to us a perfect blend of energetic boils and contemplative simmers?

Yet potions may be poured together and infused to create new ones. Are we not those? Each a different colour, exercising the variety of the spectrum – wonderful indigos, healing yellows, vibrant reds, jealous greens, toxic oranges and poisonous fluorescents – added by drops or bottlefuls; stirred in or distilled. The ripples of an addition disturbing the globular cauldron that is the world; alive in itself yet receiving energy from the ever burning fire of a glorious sun.

And still this world is part of a greater whole – a ‘Milky Way’ – the swirl of a galaxy, spinning around stellar matter in a vortex, forming the sparkling elixir of the universe of our existence.


  1. this is nice... the idea is clear here... but there are some extremes you havent considered. if u go as far as the milky way. why not as below as the atom. I feel ur definition of existence is the human form.

  2. @ nada
    from your comment i remembered something - try to watch this movie called Powers Of Ten its a short piece by Charles Eames and i think his wife Ray too

  3. ur right i dint elucidate on the microscopic but i think that may hve happened caus i felt the one line about the primodial soup covered the little ones... yeah not enough maybe

  4. Oh... I missed the time part. Within a short duration it is difficult to be explicit about everything i guess.

    Good effort i must say. Atleast u dint rely on typecasting the topic like most people do. I usually come around boring stuff when a topic like elixir is chosen (they talk about the elixi of life -> love). this was different and eloquent. will watch the short film u suggested

  5. To Mufy Sir,

    Kindly explain to us lesser mortals what it means. I have read it 4 times.

