Monday 18 May 2009

Wave Theory

Have you ever thought about how relations between people can be well simulated by wave interactions? It’s a simple analogy; if you consider the two people in the relation as two normal sine waves you can easily see how the interaction of waves can predict the outcome of the relation.

Take a look at the first case, the most positive of the lot maybe, where the two individuals share the same frequency and are in complete sync with each other; don’t bother bout the amplitude, because no matter what it is, the positive effect of each wave on the other leads to a resonance fed by both waves and hence leading to a final where the sum of the two is greater than the whole. The two people magnify each other’s characteristics and help them achieve things beyond the scope of what they might have been able to do individually.

The next situation is the completely the opposite where the phase difference between the two similar waves where the peak of one corresponds to the dip of the other. The two waves maybe the same but bad timing just annihilates the relation and there’s nothing left. This perfectly displays why sometimes two people who are completely alike may not be able get along with each other sometimes.

How about a phase difference between the two where the crest of one times with the node of the other? The result is a mitigating effect where the high points of one of the twain offset the depression of the other to regulate and prevent the sum total from deteriorating to the extreme. You will still have highs and lows but they probably won’t be as potent and therein lies the catch, you might not fall as low as before but you may as well not be able to jump as high as you could.

But life doesn’t work in static phases. People are constantly varying and therefore so are their phases and maybe even frequencies. The interaction between people is all about beats created in the interaction and the music it becomes which corresponds into the unfathomable magical feeling that it brings to our hearts. The music may be anything from rhythmic to melodious, a complicated symphony or a cantankerous cacophony, it may even be silence, nothing at all, or a growing crescendo that peaks and then fades flowingly, beautifully into the distance. Then is that how we must live life? As a ‘jugalbandi’ where we are constantly tuning in and out of each other and trying to perfect the mix as it happens, learning from the mistakes and incorporating new bits and pieces to enrich the acoustic total to feed and nourish our souls?


  1. Well although he is a new blogger, his reputation makes it impossible for me to be less critical.

    I agree to the premise that the universe is full of waves. I also agree to the fact that energetics decides the fate of the universe.
    A simple matter of constructive and desrtuctive interference is a weird thing. if u consider a new born baby and a mother. do the waves have to be always constructive. timing is crucial according to u...but all moms luv thier babies... in fact, they have to...this anomaly in the system may perhaps be explained by some manipulating the aforementioned theory, but i beleive it may have to be refined.
    certainly something to think about.

    gud article a gud way to start off...
    best of luck

  2. @muff:okay.. there you go.. really interesting.. but of all the topics you kick of with LOVE.???!!!!!!

    @nada: please stop blogging in comments.. very irritating!!!

  3. Nice way to kick off yet another innings, dude. The concept of applying wave theory to interpersonal interactions is a potent one. But muffy, tone down the semantics a little. Concentrate more on your core strengths of humour and radical outlook.

  4. some thing different from your usual writing........... in fact a very nice one.

  5. kya philosophy hai! wah, wah!!

    Welcome to the blogosphere, Muffy.

  6. awesome piece of writing...nice original thoughts....great start to wat appears to be a long blogging spree

  7. Great start. Different line of thought.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. hey muff... don't get disheartened you will find someone to resonate with, as i write i sense your waves haunting this blog...

  10. common muffy i wanna read that delted post too !!

    n boy i love sci fis too...nice articl...

  11. i dint delete the comment
    im not one to do that
    jisko jo bolna hai bolo
    full transparency

  12. no..i changed my mind..this article is junk..sorry

  13. wow nada so surprising ...
    so immature

  14. well u wanted short comments didnt u? I had to think about it and decided that it is actually very superficial in a sense too speculative. Can a human being not change his opinion?? or do we need waves for that too?

  15. and really wat kinda comments do u have here? "interesting", "well done", "keep it up" gr8 article", I mean do people even read the stuff written here. i agree time is of the essence but the comments are so damn stupid dat u cud rather think dat ur the boss of the world and wear a cap on ur head and ride an elephant. only the wise people will call u a dunce. I was really concerned about the point where u said that i get irritating just because i write big comments and make a gud analysis keeping in mind all the issues. And this coming from the one and only VNIT Vandal...i mean hypocrisy does have its limits. maybe self glory is wat all people need and i guess ur comments are professing only that. I hope this large comment does really hit u...bcause dude...seriously ur blog hasnt really kicked off yet and u need a whack on the butt and of course gud feedback....if dont want such feedback kindly write dat in ur blog somewhere so that people like me dont waste thier time and words on any of your "awesomely awesome" article, your awesomeness


  16. Interesting analogy Muff. Given that you are not a scientist and this is not your research paper, your article doesn't need to extensively address how wave dynamics work between "MOM & CHILD"

    Well Done
    Keep it up etc etc :)
