Friday 14 May 2010

Of Boys and their Bikes

The funny thing about the objects we love is that we reflect the animate while designing the inanimate. Now generally we limit this to sculptural inspirations of form or adapted functionality through biomimicry etc., but with bikes I think we may have finally succeeded in capturing the essential character. What am I on about here? Well read until the end and I’m sure you’ll at least think about it before you dismiss it.

The reason I think this character thing is more with bikes than cars is that bikes are far more interactive a contraption, ironically because there’s less of a cocoon around you and you are more connected with the real world, exposed to the elements.

The first time you rode a bike. Remember that day? You always wanted to and you wondered why people spoke about biking so passionately but never really understood why? You get on, not really knowing how to handle everything, you’re unsure and shaky, your balance might falter and you might scratch yourself in a fall but you get back on, the gears are difficult to get used to and its rough initially, but the first time you take it a long stretch it’s exhilarating and new! Its mind blowing-ly awesome and you know now why it feels great! And you get off not really wanting to, the curfew of petrol and other mundane life chores, but you itch to get back in the saddle and long to see her again.

The first bike you’ll ever own, you’ll race her down the streets, go faster than you should and you’ll never listen to what it’s telling you. You’re brash, always taking chances trying to show what a macho dude you are almost killing yourself. Never serviced on time and it always sounds like its screaming. It started out as fun, but then you realize that u went wrong somewhere and you’ll have to go back and sort things out, it works out sometimes, but sometimes you’re just too far down the line and have to let go. It might not have been the best, but it was the first, you’ll remember it and hopefully learn from it.

Done with college, this time you’re on your own and the selection is more careful. It’s beautiful, better quality, and stronger. You choose it because you resonate with it and it feels just right for you. Long rides seem effortless and pleasurable and you still want to get on every time, you look forward to a nice ride just to relax and leave the world behind in the slip-stream. The focus shifts from riding faster to riding better: every turn at its apex, every shift timed to perfection and the pull the accelerator and press on the brakes just enough, you ride in tandem, listening all along the way – the machine is an extension of your self. You always kiss it goodnight and wish for another magical, dreamy, tomorrow.

And then there are those that you don’t understand. It looks old fashioned but in a retro cool way. It takes on a style of its own and has a strong sense of character. You’re drawn to it but you can’t seem to fathom why, it’s rounder and bigger than the sleek shiny ones but that doesn’t seem to matter. She’s loud and noisy but you know you’ll get along just fine. It’s not easy to manage on the road and difficult to control sometimes. Not easy to maintain but you still take the pain and do most upkeep yourself, just the specialty jobs go to the experts. You’re concerned about every little finicky detail and try to keep things perfect. She might not start in the morning and can fall shut at the worst of times but you still love it and keep polishing it on the weekends. Love’s like that - irrational but passionate all the same. You know this one will be for life, you’ll trip on it for hundreds of miles on the highway there’s nothing than can make you feel more like a king. You’re a hero with it and incomplete without it.

It’s funny how much bikes can teach you about life and love if you care to think about it.

I still have many miles to go. But I’m in love. And she’s my baby gurl ;-*